How to Solve CG70 Airbag Reset Tool Monthly Activation Has Expired?

One customer gave feedback that he bound his CG70 and CG100X before, but when he ran CG70 software this time, he got the prompt messages “The monthly activation has expired, please connect to CG100X to activate” and “The current product payment has not yet been established.”

CGDISHOP.COM engineer offered the solution below:
Combine CG70 Airbag Reset Tool and CGDI CG100X Programmer to activate monthly activation.
CG100X must be the device bound when CG70 is activated for the first time, and it does not need to be within the service period.
The CG70 only needs to be combined with CG100X and activated twice (combine CG70 with CG100X software, combine CG100X in CG70 software), and it does not need to be activated again afterward.
After combining CGDI CG70 and CGDI CG100X, you don’t need to activate both devices every 30 days.
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Author: admin