CGDI BMW Program CAS3 Semi-Smart Key with Godiag Test Platform

Have a BMW CAS3 module, use CGDI BMW to add a new key and test if the key and CAS3 module is synchronized by Godiag CAS2 CAS3 Test Platform, works perfectly.

The blank key is not matched with CAS3 module. When insert it into the coil of Godiag CAS3 Semi Smart Test Platform to test, the IMMO indicator doesn’t light up.

So, need to generate dealer key with CGDI Prog BMW first.

Run CGDI BMW software after connection

Go to CAS1-3+ Key Match (OBD)

Read key info successfully, detect out the CAS version is CAS3, no key in the ignition switch

Save the key info

Select one unused key position (key 8) and put the blank key into to coil of CGDI BMW MSV80 Key Programmer

Confirm it’s not a smart key, and start to generate dealer key

Program key successfully!

After that, put the key programmed into the coil of Godiag BMW CAS3 Test Platform to test again, the IMMO indicator lights up this time. Press the yellow button of the green connector three times to turn off the IMMO successfully as well.

Alright! The CAS3 semi-smart key has been successfully programmed with CGDI Prog BMW Key Programmer and matched with CAS3 module.


Author: admin